Melton Foundation mobile app
Led a team of 5 developers on $5K budget to create mobile app and web dashboard. Released on Play Store and App Store with 200+ downloads. Github - Aug 2020 - Nov 2020
Uber's Piranha tool that auto-deletes stale feature flag code
Implemented a major enhancement to Uber's Piranha tool that auto-deletes stale feature flag code. Github - June 2020
Pranav presenting his paper at IEEE IACC 2019
Deep Learning to estimate Bangalore's rooftop solar potential from satellite images - Nov 2019
Pranav presenting his paper at IEEE PESGRE 2020
Reinforcement Learning to train Battery Agents for energy storage arbitrage in a simulated Smart Grid environment - Jan 2020
Pranav presenting his paper at IEEE PESGRE 2020
8051 assembly language support for GitHub's Atom editor. 1000+ downloads so far! Check it out - Jan 2018